Harassment Defined
The Port prohibits any verbal, physical or visual conduct which could offend, intimidate or create a hostile working environment for any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability or any other characteristics protected by federal, state or local law. The Port also specifically prohibits sexual harassment, which is defined in this Policy as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The conduct prohibited by the preceding paragraph will not be tolerated under any circumstances, including cases where the conduct is unwelcome, and or:
- Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual;
- The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. The types of behaviors that may constitute prohibited harassment include, but are not limited to: derogatory, vulgar, or graphic written or oral statements or jokes regarding race, color, religion, national origin, disability, gender, sexuality, sexual experience or any other characteristics protected by federal, state or local law; unnecessary touching or physical assault; sexual compliments, flirtations, advances, propositions, innuendoes, suggestions or jokes; or the display of offensive or sexually suggestive pictures or objects.
It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director and other supervisory personnel to ensure adherence to this Policy. All supervisory personnel and managers have the duty of ensuring that no individual or employee is subjected to sexual harassment or any other form of unlawful harassment, and of maintaining a workplace free of such harassment.
Supervisory personnel shall discuss this Policy with employees and assure them that they are not required to endure any form of unlawful harassment.
Complaint Procedure
The Port encourages employees to report all perceived incidents of harassment, regardless of the position of the alleged offender or the severity of the incident. Any employee, who has a harassment complaint against a supervisor, coworker, visitor, customer or other person, must bring the problem to the Executive Director's attention. The Executive Director, at his discretion, may designate some other person to receive the complaint. If you are uncomfortable with reporting the harassment to this person or if you believe that your complaint was not properly addressed, you should report the incident to the President of the Port Commission who may also designate some other person to act on his behalf.
The complaint will be thoroughly investigated in a professional manner. You will be notified of a decision or of the status of the investigation as soon as possible. There will be no discrimination or retaliation against any individual who files a good-faith harassment complaint, even if the investigation produces insufficient evidence to support the complaint, and even if the charges cannot be proven. There will be no discrimination or retaliation against any other individual who participates in the investigation of a harassment complaint. If the investigation substantiates the complaint, appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action (up to discharge) will be pursued. Disciplinary action (up to discharge) will also be taken against individuals who make false or frivolous accusations, such as those made maliciously or recklessly. Actions taken internally to investigate and resolve harassment complaints shall be conducted confidentially to the extent practicable and appropriate, and consistent with Louisiana Law, in order to protect the privacy of persons involved.
This Policy applies to all the Port's employees whether related to conduct engaged in by fellow employees or someone who is not directly related to the Port, such as a vendor, consultant, client, customer, or other Port contact. All supervisory personnel have an affirmative obligation to maintain a workplace free of unlawful harassment.
Port's sexual harassment policy shall be posted on the office notice board and on the Port's website.
In accordance with La. R.S. 42:341-345, all employees and members of the Board of Commissioners shall receive one hour of education and training on preventing sexual harassment and any additional education and training required by law..
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