Advertisement for Bids


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS MORGAN CITY HARBOR AND TERMINAL DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE, that the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District, 800 Youngs Road, Morgan City, LA 70380, will accept sealed bids until 4:00 p.m. on May 27, 2009, for the purchase of the following property: Provide complete factory assembled 150KW natural gas powered auxiliary generator and electronic controlled transfer switch (“150KW generator”)

Additional information and specifications will be furnished to prospective bidders upon request at the District’s office at 800 Youngs Road, Morgan City, LA, by faxing request to 985-385-1931 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Each Bid shall be sealed in an envelope clearly marked on the outside, "BID ON GENERATOR". Bids will be opened and read aloud at 4:00 p.m. on May 27, 2009. Any bid received after date and hour shown above will be returned unopened to the bidder.

Bids can also be viewed, downloaded and submitted online by at: 
The Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, adjust quantities by increasing or decreasing and to waive all informalities.

Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District
\s\ Raymond M. Wade, President
Adv. April 30, 2009 May 13, 2009


National Waterways Conference Gulf Ports Assoc of the Americas Louisiana Industrial Develpment Esecutives Assoc Ports Association of Louisiana Gulf Intracostal Canal Association Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals US Coast Guard Houma

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