We have great news to share with you!
Progress continues on the Port of Morgan City 800 Youngs Road Marine Terminal Dock Expansion, and the Corps of Engineers has a total of 6 dredges under contract to dredge area waterways The unprecedented funding we have received for dredging and for infrastructure supports the Port’s mission to provide a consistent, navigable channel 20 feet deep by 400 feet wide for industry and to serve as an economic engine for the Port District.
Sea Level Construction completed the final section of concrete (350 yards) on November 17th on the $6.3 million Port of Morgan City Terminal Facility East Dock Expansion Project, funded in part by the Louisiana Department of Transportation “Port Priority Program”. Final delivery of the East Dock Expansion Project is expected in mid-December.
East Dock February 2023 as construction was beginning
East Dock November 2023
The Ports West Dock Expansion, a $30 million project, is currently awaiting NEPA approval from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and approval from the U. S. Maritime Administration.
The Port is anticipating going out for bid around March of 2024 with construction beginning during April of 2024. Construction is estimated to take approximately 2 years.
Funding is provided through the State of Louisiana and $10 million from the U. S. Department of Transportation “Port Infrastructure Development Program.”
West Dock Expansion Site—June 2023
Rendering by T. Baker Smith
Upon completion of the East and West Dock Expansion Projects, a total of 1,900 linear feet of finished waterfront and over 35 acres of laydown and storage areas will be available for clients.
The $62.5 million in FY 24 funding from the President’s Budget is included in both the House and Senate Energy & Water Appropriations Bills and is expected to be included in any final passed spending bill which will provide for dredging of the Atchafalaya River and Bayous Boeuf, Black and Chene.
Six dredges under contract include:
Brice Civil Constructors was awarded a new contract for their Dredge Arulaq which will continue managing fluff in the Atchafalaya Bar Channel.
The Dredge Carolina, continues to work under a supplemental Bar Channel contract.
The Dredge Texas was awarded an $11 million contract, with an option of up to $18 million as needed, to work in the Crewboat Cut area.
2 dredges, Susan Crosby and Vinton J. Crosby, are working in Bayou Chene, with a projected year-end completion under the current contract. The Corps is looking to award another contract to start in May or June of 2024. This contract will bring Bayous Chene, Boeuf and Black to their authorized 20’ depth by 400’ width.
The sixth dredge, Orion’s Emil Kurtz, funded through Mississippi River & Tributaries, will be working in the Morgan City—Berwick Bay area and is expected to arrive in Stouts Pass in about 2 months.
The New Orleans District Corps of Engineers performs routine hydrographic surveys to monitor local river and waterway navigation conditions. While this information is used as a decision making tool for channel maintenance operations, it can also be used by mariners to supplement existing published navigation charts with more recent shoaling activity.
Many of the recent grounding in Stouts Pass have been due to vessels transiting outside of the channel. It is recommended that mariners utilize these surveys.
The Port of Morgan City provides a link to the Corps’ surveys on our website at https://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/Missions/Navigation/Channel-Surveys/
To access surveys for the Atchafalaya River and Bayous Boeuf Black and Chene select Main Channel and Bayous Chene,Black and Boeuf. To access surveys for Stouts Pass, Berwick Harbor, etc. select Morgan City Area.
If you need assistance in accessing these surveys, please call our office at 985-384-0850.
The Corps of Engineers considers usage of our federally authorized channel when determining funding on the Atchafalaya River and Bayous Black, Boeuf and Chene. Please be reminded that any time goods are transferred across a dock, someone is responsible for reporting that tonnage to Waterborne Commerce. If you are a vessel operator, load out facility, fabrication yard or shipyard you should have tonnage to report.
If you are not reporting, we can help you. Please contact Cindy Cutrera at
Happy Thanksgiving to All! We look forward to reporting more positive updates in the New Year!