
Corps officials from Civil Works out of Washington DC, along with Corp officials from New Orleans, Lafayette and Memphis visited the Port of Morgan City on March 8th to witness a firsthand demonstration of the Brice specialty purpose Dredge Arulaq that successfully manages fluff in the Bar Channel.

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Pictured above with Corps officials were Pete Orlando, Vice-President, Port of Morgan City and John McVay, President, Brice Civil Constructors

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Agitation pumping at 70,000 gallons per minute

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Jet pumping at 10,000 gallons per minute

Photos courtesy of Mac Wade, POMC Executive Director





National Waterways Conference Gulf Ports Assoc of the Americas Louisiana Industrial Develpment Esecutives Assoc Ports Association of Louisiana Gulf Intracostal Canal Association Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals US Coast Guard Houma

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