Community Outreach

Colonel Michael N. Clancy, USACE New Orleans District and Major General Richard Kaiser, Commander of USACE Mississippi Valley Division joined St. Mary Levee District in a discussion about the current flood fight. General Kaiser stated he was cautiously optimistic the Corps will not need to open the Morganza. However, conditions will be incredibly close to triggering the opening of the structure and things could easily change. We should all remain vigilant. Lt. Timothy Veach spoke about the Coast Guard's approach to traffic control in the Waterway under the current high water situation.

53374858 397665537696998 1113128452220780544 oMajor General Richard Kaiser, Mississippi Valley Division
53016326 397665524363666 3503722363164295168 oColonel Michael N. Clancy
53378605 397665647696987 203793337746980864 oTom Holden, Mississippi Valley Division
52926846 397665637696988 1327862171182301184 oHeath Jones, USACE
52733514 397665657696986 1979654558208491520 oCaptain Blake Welborn, United States Coast Guard
53423682 397665504363668 2483286026815012864 oHeath Jones, USACE
52861841 397665521030333 8408038032615145472 oTim Matte, St. Mary Levee District Executive Director
52920483 397665787696973 740073434045743104 o
52995544 397665664363652 1136361107145883648 o


National Waterways Conference Gulf Ports Assoc of the Americas Louisiana Industrial Develpment Esecutives Assoc Ports Association of Louisiana Gulf Intracostal Canal Association Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals US Coast Guard Houma

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